Evans High School

CRICOS Provider: NSW Dept of Education 00588M

Telephone02 9621 3622


Year 6 into 7

Mr Murphy is the Year 7 Year Advisor for 2018Welcome to Year 7 for 2018. Your Year Advisor is Mr Murphy he is a HSIE/ English Teacher.

Middle Schooling in 2018

In 2018, Evans High School will introduce a Middle School Program to Year 7.

This will allow students to have:

  •  Access to one-to-one technology
  • Reduced numbers of teachers for each class
  • Newly renovated, home-room learning spaces
  • Flexible and adaptable integrated   learning and assessment
  • Opportunities as learners, leaders and members of the whole-school community

Students develop social, academic and personal skills which will equip them for their future     studies and careers.

This will be achieved by:

  • Restructuring of curriculum to increase access to Foundation skills
  • Programs to improve resilience and reduce transitional stress
  • Improved teacher-student relationships due to increased lesson time with each staff member
  • Thematic teaching incorporating Project Based Learning

Scholarship Applications

Please find an application for the 2018 Scholarships. There will be 6 academic scholarships handed out for 2018. Please read the attached document for full details and the application process. Applications have been posted home to all students enrolling for 2018. Please contact Rel. Deputy Principal if you have any questions.

2018 Scholarship applic. (docx 174 KB)