Evans High School

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Post School Options - University

Information about Universities and Courses:

On this pages you will find information about all the universities as well as information about all types of courses in different career and industry areas.

The Universities Admissions Centre.

All applications to Universities in NSW are handled by the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC). For more information on UAC and the application process, click here . Queensland university admissions are handled by The Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC). For QTAC information click here.

Information About Universities and Courses.

For specific information about each university, the courses and facilities they offer, click here.

Specific Course Information.

The "Going to Uni" site will provide you with information on all courses for universities across Australia. It also has information on fess, loans and a host of other things. To access the "Going to Uni" site, click here.

For information about courses and the types of jobs that are related to them, you can use the OZJAC (Australian Jobs and Courses Explorer) online facility. Click here to go there.

Scholarships and Early Entry Schemes.

University can be an expensive business. Scholarships are a great way of helping out with these costs. They can also be a way of guaranteeing yourself a job when you finish studying.
Scholarships can come in a variety of forms, including:

  • academically competitive
  • financial hardship
  • rural students
  • war veterans children
  • disability
  • scholarships offered by specific companies and employers

This is by no means a complete list. To see what scholarships are available, click here.

A number of universities have Early Entry Schemes where you can be offered a place before the normal round of UAC offers. These have strict deadlines and cutoff times so you need to be very aware of these. As I am notified of these (as well as specific scholarships) they will be advertised here (closing dates included).

Please Note: When you click to go to any of these sites, it will open up a new browser window. When you have finished looking at the site, close the window to return to this page.

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