Human Society and its Environment (HSIE) at a glance:
The HSIE faculty is a humanities style faculty that offers students the opportunity to study both history and social sciences based subjects from year 7 all the way until year 12. Our dynamic and innovative faculty delivers lessons in History, Geography, Commerce, Legal Studies, Business Studies, Society and Culture, Economics, Ancient, Modern and Extension History for senior students. Students that participate in HSIE subjects have a proven record of academic excellence and are given the best possible opportunity to succeed in their secondary studies in a nurturing and supportive environment.
Our philosophy:
The philosophy of the HSIE faculty is to provide an innovative learning experience based around team work, collaboration and technology. Students are encouraged to become world citizens, ask questions, engage with current and past events and learn from the events of the past. Our aims are to provide students with the best opportunities to excel in a post school environment and to become not just academically minded, but successful and well-rounded individuals as well.
Snapshot of assessment in the HSIE Faculty:
Students are assessed through a variety of methods across the range of our subjects in the HSIE faculty. They have the opportunity to demonstrate their skills and understanding through oral presentations, written assessment – short answer and extended responses, field work, stimulus based tasks, source analysis, research projects, media files, information and communications technology (ICT), group based assessment and many more.
There are two senior subjects that offer students the opportunity to complete a major project in Year 12. These are Society and Culture, with the completion of the personal interest project and History Extension, with the history project. Both of these major works require students to complete independent research into a topic of their own choice and produce a written response. These projects go towards the student’s final Higher School Certificate marks.
In addition to the standard school equipment that students use, students will also have access to computers and the internet, geographical fieldwork tools, practical history and geography based activities and primary sources that will all be used to further their academic opportunities in their various fields of study.