Library hours
The library is open every day between 8:45 am to 2:45 pm except for Friday recess time (10:45 am – 11:05 am).
Students can borrow books for up to two weeks, and renewed for a further two weeks.
Students are encouraged to borrow books over the school holidays periods.
Years 7/8 – 2 books for 2 weeks
Years 9/10 – 3 books for 2 weeks
Years 11/12 – 5 books for 2 weeks
Staff – unlimited
Online Oliver Catalogue
Oliver is the new library management system for all NSW DoE schools. Students can access the Oliver Catalogue using the Oliver Library OPAC in the library or using their student DoE portal.
To access it, students need to:
1. Login to their device and to the DEC student portal.
2. Select the icon “My School Library / Oliver”.
3. The personnel Oliver Homepage will appear
The library provides areas for independent learning, small group discussions, three computer labs for class learning, a Senior Study Room and a Non-Fiction class area.
- Photocopying: B & W 10c/ page, Colour 50c/ page
- Printing: B & W 10c/ page, Colour 50c/ page
Homework centre
Every Monday and Wednesday the library is open after school for students to work on homework and assignments with some assistance from teachers. The Homework Centre runs from 2:45 pm – 4:45 pm.
New books
We are continually getting fantastic new reading resources on our shelves, including fiction, non-fiction, bilingual picture books and graphic novels. We update the New Books Collection, located outside P Lab, every few weeks. Please visit your library and check out some of our newest titles as we are sure you will be able to find an amazing read.
eBooks / eAudiobooks/ eMagazines/ databases / digital library
Students can join the Max Webber Library in Blacktown (Cnr. Flushcombe Road and Alpha Street, Blacktown) for free. Here, students will have access to various, valuable and up to date electronic resources. Also, students can use the Blacktown City Libraries card to register and access a range of NSW State Library eResources.
For further information please follow this link.