Evans High School

CRICOS Provider: NSW Dept of Education 00588M

Telephone02 9621 3622


Referencing and Bibliographies

When you are given an assignment, you will often be required to present a REFERENCE LIST or BIBLIOGRAPHY as part of your work. Reference lists and bibliographies are both lists of the sources (eg books, websites, articles, and videos) you have used to complete your assignment. They are slightly different though.

A BIBLIOGRAPHY lists all the sources you looked at to help you complete your task, whether you referred to them directly in your work or not. A REFERENCE LIST requires you to ONLY include the citations that you have referred to in your work. 

At Evans High School, some faculties have different expectations for referencing. Please check with your teacher if they have any specific requirements that might apply to your research. For most purposes, the information below will help you understand how to reference your work.

Referencing Guide (pdf 483 KB)