Evans High School

CRICOS Provider: NSW Dept of Education 00588M

Telephone02 9621 3622


Year Adviser Welcome

I'm Ms Silva and I am the Year 7 Adviser for 2017. I am currently based in the Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) Faculty and I usually teach theory classes in lab 8. For practical lessons we play sport on the oval, under the cola and sometimes in the gym. Ms Davis is the Year 7 Assistant Year Adviser and she is located in LAF Faculty this term. Ms Minchella is the Head Teacher for Year 7 and she is also located in the PDHPE Faculty.

My job as the year adviser is to ensure that all students are utilising their time at Evans High School to the best of their ability and that they are supported during the process by myself and the wonderful team of staff I work with. I understand that transitioning from Year 6 to Year 7 is a daunting and a new experience for students and can also have plenty of challenges. I am looking forward to an amazing year ahead of us and watching the Year 7 students succeed and grow.

There are plenty of exciting opportunities for Year 7 students this year such as the swimming carnival, Year 7 Camp, athletics carnival, cross country carnival, Harmony Day and Swim School.

Feedback on student progress is provided every term. In Term 1 and Term 3 parents and carers have the opportunity to have face-to-face discussions regarding their child's progress. Formal written feedback is provided for all students in an individual report in Term 2 and Term 4. Please feel free to contact me at school for further feedback or any other concerns you may have about your child's progress.

As the year adviser I see this role as a wonderful opportunity to work with students, parents and the community to provide and cater to the needs of our students and to make a difference in their learning. I look forward to working with you in 2017.


Ms Melissa Silve Year 7 Adviser

Ms Melissa Silva

Year 7 Adviser

PH: (02) 9621 3622



Ms Sophie Davis, Assistant Year 7 Adviser

Ms Sophie Davis

Assistant Year 7 Adviser

Assistant Year 7 Adviser
