Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) at a glance:
The study of PDHPE provides students with the opportunity to enhance and develop the skills to research, apply and evaluate health and movement concepts, in order to maintain and improve their health, safety, wellbeing and participation in physical activity. PDHPE is a mandatory course, which is studied throughout Years 7-10. During theory lessons, students will demonstrate an understanding of strategies that promote a sense of personal identity and will understand the significance of the factors that influence health, safety and wellbeing. During practical lessons, students will demonstrate an understanding of movement skills and strategies, to respond confidently, competently and creatively in a variety of physical activity contexts. Students then have the opportunity to expand on their knowledge and skills with the selection of PASS (Physical Activity and Sports Studies) as an elective subject in Years 9 and 10, or PDHPE, CAFS (Community and Family Studies), SLR (Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation) or VET Sport Coaching in Years 11 and 12.
Our philosophy:
The PDHPE Faculty aims to provide students with the opportunity to improve upon and maintain their physical, social, emotional and spiritual dimensions of health and wellbeing. Our purpose is to develop resilience in our students, as well as a commitment to the qualities that promote and develop empathy, respectful relationships, inclusivity and social justice principles. In PDHPE, we aim to address health and physical activity concepts that are important to students and relevant to the constantly changing society in which they live.
Snapshot of assessment in PDHPE:
In Year 7-10 PDHPE and Year 9-10 PASS, students are assessed on their knowledge, skills and understanding of both the theoretical and practical components of the PDHPE course. These assessments vary, but may include research tasks, examinations, oral presentations or individual or group assessment of skills across a range of sports. There are normally 5 assessment tasks issued across the year and these tasks often carry a weighting between 10-30% of the overall mark achieved for the course.
In Year 11 and 12, the methods of assessment vary greatly between courses, but often include research tasks, in-class tasks, examinations and oral presentations. The CAFS course also includes an Independent Research Project in Year 12, which involves an in-depth study and research of a societal issue of interest to the student. In SLR and VET Sport Coaching, practical assessments are also undertaken. Year 11 students will complete three assessment tasks and Year 12 students will complete four assessment tasks in their respective courses. These tasks may carry a weighting between 10-40% depending on the type of task.
In theory lessons for all PDHPE courses, it is expected that students are prepared for lessons with the necessary stationery and an exercise book containing no less than 128 pages. In Year 11 and 12, multiple exercise books may be necessary.
In courses where there is a practical component, students are expected to bring their correct sport uniform to change into. These courses include Year 7-10 PDHPE, Year 9-10 PASS, Year 11-12 SLR and Year 11-12 VET Sport Coaching. The correct sport uniform includes the Evans High School sport shirt and shorts or tracksuit pants. Students are also expected to bring appropriate sporting footwear. Please note that sport shoes with studs are not permitted to be worn during practical lessons.