Check out the Evans High School careers website .... there is a lot of useful information to help you with your post-school options!
mhscareers website
The school subscribes to this website and it covers all careers aspects – updates are emailed to students in years 9, 10, 11 and 12. The latest update is listed below or go on line and check what's happening.
To view the news pages on the website:
Login with either: "student", "parent", "other" Password: mhs2013
Go to type apprenticeship or traineeship in the "what" box.
Or try other searches from
Record of Student Achievement - RoSA.
To help students and parents stay up-to-date with the RoSA,visit the Board of Studies web-page.
Year 10 students are able to undertake work experience on a flexible basis throughout the school year. Please contact the Careers Adviser for more details and up to date documentation required to organise your week.
You are able to do your work experience in many career areas. Please use your own family and friend networks to seek out employer and business opoprtunities.
Please contact the Careers Adviser , Ms Vicki Jansen, on 02 9621 3622 to discuss any aspects relating to school studies and post school options.