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Evans High School

Evans High School

A Diverse and Innovative School of Excellence.

Telephone02 9621 3622



Course Overview:

Economics provides understanding for students about many aspects of the economy and its operation that are frequently reported in the media. It investigates issues such as why unemployment or inflation rates change and how these changes will impact on individuals in society. Economics develops students' knowledge and understanding of the operation of the global and Australian economy. It develops the analytical, problem-solving and communication skills of students. There is a strong emphasis on the problems and issues in a contemporary Australian economic context within the course.


What will you learn about?

Preliminary Course

  • Introduction to Economics (10%) – the nature of economics and the operation of an economy
  • Consumers and Business (10%) – the role of consumers and business in the economy
  • Markets (20%) – the role of markets, demand, supply and competition
  • Labour Markets (20%) – the workforce and role of labour in the economy
  • Financial Markets (20%) – the financial market in Australia including the share market
  • Government in the Economy (20%) – the role of government in the Australian economy

HSC Course

  • The Global Economy (25%) – Features of the global economy and globalisation
  • Australia's Place in the Global Economy (25%) – Australia's trade and finance
  • Economic Issues (25%) – issues including growth, unemployment, inflation, wealth and management
  • Economic Policies and Management (25%) – the range of policies to manage the economy


Particular Course Requirements

There are no prerequisites for this course.


Is this course a Category A or Category B course?

Category A.


Who can you ask for more information?

Ms Espejel or Mrs Celeban.


Does this course count towards your ATAR?



What types of assessments will be used to determine your final mark?

Extended responses, stimulus-based tasks, analysis of economic data and examinations.



It is recommended that students are confident in their extended response writing, as well as having a keen interest in undertaking independent research.